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Woman, 51, shares secret to how she looks like she's in her twenties

Woman, 51, shares secret to how she looks like she's in her twenties

People are flocking to social media in praise of a mum who changed her life in her 50s and finally found her 'sass'.

People are flocking to social media in praise of a mum who changed her life in her 50s and finally found her 'sass'.

I keep finding a patch of grey hairs at the back, left-hand side of my head and the bags under my eyes need two layers of concealer - and I'm only 22 - so I definitely need to start channeling the same energy Annamaria Kalebic is.

Upon turning 50, the now 51-year-old had the 'ultimate kick up the butt' and decided to 'take control and make the changes [she] needed to feel alive again'.

And it's certainly working, because TikTokers are in absolute awe over how the mum looks so radiant and glowing, and more like she's in her twenties than fifties.

Annamaria has used her TikTok to post before and after pictures from her 40s to her 50s and the results truly speak for themselves.

The content creator writes: "From feeling dull & lacking in confidence in my 40s to feeling vibrant & full of confidence in my 50s! How?

"Not surgery! Just investing myself with good nutrition, strength training and self care incl regular beauty & hair treatments.

"Making myself a priority has been my best investment yet, and my family have a happy mum too!"

Annamaria lost confidence in her forties.
@annamariakalebic/ TikTok

While Annamaria doesn't deny the experience was 'tough' when she lost her 'self confidence and own sense of style' in her 40s, she now feels 'better than ever'.

Addressing followers who may feel like they've found themselves in a similar rut, Annamaria said: "Don’t ever write yourself off, no matter what life throws at you. Dig deep and come back stronger."

Annamaria also gave advice to her younger followers who may already be worrying about the future.

The content creator said: "Don’t let the opportunities pass you by. When you’re in your 20s it’s the perfect time to experiment and try new things. Just give it a go!"

The content creator feels better than ever now she's in her fifties.
@annamariakalebic/ TikTok

People have flooded to Annamaria's TikTok account in support of the 51-year-old, having been inspired by her.

One user wrote: "I’m scared of ageing. I’m 28, but this video made me feel better about it. You look amazing!"

"Thank you for this because I’m 36 in a really hard time and I keep feeling like I wasted all my time but you’re right we have so much more time!!!!" another said.

A third commented: "I'm 30 - felt like I lost myself in my 20s and have felt like it was 'too late' to regain my confidence and my reclaim my style but this is inspiring."

A final resolved: "Wow! You’re ageing backwards."

Featured Image Credit: @annamariakalebic/ TikTok

Topics: Beauty, TikTok, Parenting