Every pet owner dreads the day that their animal companion leaves them, and sadly some have to make the gut-wrenching choice to end their pet's life.
It's an experience that leaves many dog and cat owners grieving like they would for a human family member.

One vet has given one piece of advice for pet owners who are getting their pets put down - stay by their side in the final moments.
Taking to Reddit, the anonymous vet made the heartfelt plea in a bid to make the animal's dying moments more 'comfortable' for them.
She wrote: "It might be hard to say goodbye but it's hell for them. They already don't like the vet, they're confused, they're scared, they're sad and they're looking for you when they take their last breath.
"I can try to provide them as much love and comfort as I humanly can but at the end of the day, I'm a stranger to them."
The Reddit poster then relayed a story of one dog owner who left the building whilst her 13-year-old pooch was euthanised.
The vet wrote: "I told her we didn't have a vet in the clinic as she was on farm calls all day, but she insisted on leaving her there at 9 am knowing that our vet wouldn't be back until well after 6 pm.
"She was too busy to bring her back later, so she left her sweet girl to be alone all day before dying.
"I kept her with me for most of the day, took her for a small walk, bought her a cheeseburger and doughnut on my lunch and laid on the ground and cuddled her while she cried, scared and confused.
"I kissed her and told her she was a good girl while she crossed the rainbow bridge, but her eyes never stopped looking for her family.
"Dogs know what's happening, don't do this to them. Be there when they cross that bridge. It won't kill you, I promise."

Many Reddit users applauded the vet for her honesty.
One person wrote: "I’ve sat in the room with every family dog and last year, my first “me” dog needed some peace after nearly 17 years of life.
"The biggest issue was her cognitive decline- I don’t think she even know where she was any more and I’m sure it was very stressful for her.
"When the vet gave her the sedative (prior to the euthanasia) she finally looked at peace for the first time in about two months.
"I saw my baby dog again and she was so beautiful and sweet. My ex who basically raised her with me was in the room too and we both hugged and kissed her. It’s sad but also great to finally give them the peace they deserve."
Another dog owner added: "Seeing my dog euthanized was one of the worst experiences of my life, but I would never have made her go through that alone. People don't deserve dogs, they are too good for us."