A heartbroken dog owner has shared a warning after her beloved bulldog died after a C-section.
Sharing a tribute to Princess on Instagram, the account @hampshire_bulldogs posted the last images of the dog before she died.

“PLEASE PLEASE think of the risks associated with breeding your pets,” the post reads. “If I'd [have] known the outcome of her pregnancy I'd never [have] bred her, she was my best friend and a massive part of our family”.
The post explains how Princess went into labour on Saturday morning and later had a C-section to welcome 10 puppies.
“An hour later she still had not woken up,” the post continues. “The vets asked us to go in sit, stroke and talk with her in the hope of her hearing our voices would bring her round.
“Three hours later she hadn't woken up, her heart was deteriorating and after countless shots of adrenaline she wasn't waking up. At 7.06 she passed away with me by her side. She has 10 healthy strong pups who never met [their] mum.
“My heart is broken into a million [pieces]. I will always miss, her she was my first fur love and things won't ever be the same in our house without her.”
The Instagram user then issued a warning for dog owners to think twice about breeding dogs that “are known to require C-sections”.
Bulldogs are known to require C-sections and one of the reasons is due to dystocia, which refers to a slow or difficult labour or birth.

According to Breeding Business, purebred dogs undergo C-sections due to small birth canals or when the heads of the puppies are too big for their mum’s birth canal.
English Bulldogs are known for their large heads and the breed often produces large litters, with any number above six puppies considered large. Dogs may experience fatigue after having to push a large number of puppies out.
The post continues: “Please please think of the risks associated with breeding dogs that [are] known to require C-sections. The risk are real, the risk of losing your baby is not worth a litter of puppies and the money that generates.
She also provided an update on the litter and their new foster mum. “Her 10 puppies are doing well and we are SO lucky to have a foster mum, a spaniel with three pups of her own raising six of them and four being hand reared.
“There is no way we would [have] managed to hand feed and stimulate 10 orphaned pups every two hours. All 10 are doing really well.”
The Instagram user explained that she is still struggling to come to terms with the news and hasn’t informed her six-year-old daughter about their tragic loss. “I am still in shock and haven't managed to tell my 6 year old daughter that her best friend isn't coming home.
“I hope in sharing this people understand the risks of [breeding] that are not talked about. It's not all fun and games, it's devastation and heart ache.
The post ended with another tribute to Princess: "My princess you will always be in our hearts, I hope you rest easy in one of your favourite places, nanny's garden. We love you always and favour to the stars and back.”
A spokesperson for The Kennel Club said: “The story of Princess the Bulldog is heartbreaking and our thoughts go out to her family at this time. No surgery is without risk, and this account highlights that, sadly, not every pregnancy ends well.
The Kennel Club also offered advice for pet owners who may be considering breeding their dogs. “Speak to your vet first, who will help you to understand if pregnancy is right for your dog and the potential risks and complications involved, which with caesarean sections can include haemorrhaging, wound infections and injury to the uterus.
“Try and talk to an experienced breeder to find out more, or contact your local breed club. Breed clubs are a great source of breed-specific knowledge and may be able to offer advice and support to first-time breeders on mating, pregnancy and whelping.”