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The best ways to see the rare Pink Moon in the UK tonight and why it's not what you expect

The best ways to see the rare Pink Moon in the UK tonight and why it's not what you expect

There are ways to make your stargazing much more enjoyable with a Pink Moon due tonight

If you thought the Moon was done with giving you amazing visuals, hold on to your hats.

You’ve seen the Moon white, you’ve seen the Moon orange, red, eclipsed and so on…but pink?

Introducing the Pink Moon, which will hit your location tonight!

As we enter Spring, Brits will be pleased to see that the sky is also celebrating the change in seasons to something a little sunnier and colourful.

The Pink Full Moon will be on full display for all to see and Parkdean Resorts released a list for how you can see it tonight after the 8pm sunset.

If you’re an aspiring astronomer, grab your telescope and be ready in your garden for 11.49pm, when the Pink Moon will be clearest.

The Pink Moon is upon us! (Eve Livesey / Getty Images)
The Pink Moon is upon us! (Eve Livesey / Getty Images)

Let’s explore what tonight has in store:

What is a Pink Moon?

The Pink Moon said to be the starting sign that Spring has arrived.

But there’s a catch.

Pink is a metaphorical name for blooming flowers, which is indicative of the shift to a season where flowers will begin to open and display.

It’s named after the ‘moss pink herb’ or ‘creeping phlox’ which is the most common flower to bloom in the Northern Hemisphere during Spring.

The Moon will actually be its usual colour.

How can I see the Pink Moon?

Parkdean Resorts suggests these five tips:

There are ways to get a better view of the Pink Moon tonight (Christophe Lehenaff / Getty Images)
There are ways to get a better view of the Pink Moon tonight (Christophe Lehenaff / Getty Images)

1. The higher the better

The higher up you are, the better your ability will be to see the Pink Moon.

So, if you’ve got a three-storey house, just walk up to the top or if there’s a hill nearby, that’s your perfect stargazing spot.

2. Go dark

If you want to watch the event with the best view possible, do it in darkness.

Switch off all of your lights and allow the glow to shine clearer for you.

3. Clear skies only

If you see a cloud starting to brew, it’s time to pack up and move elsewhere.

Choosing a spot with clear skies is essential for the best chances of seeing the sky, and luckily according to weather reports, tonight should be clear.

How will you be seeing it tonight? (Vicki Smith / Getty Images)
How will you be seeing it tonight? (Vicki Smith / Getty Images)

4. Make sure you know what you’re looking at

If you’re planning on staring blankly at the sky, make it fun and research the stars around the Moon.

Apps such as Star Chart are likely enhance the experience.

5. Plan for planet visibility

If you use the website Time and Date, you can find out where the planets are most visible in your location.

This means you can enjoy the stars, Moon and some hidden planets while you’re at it and make it an experience like no other.

Where will you be watching?

Featured Image Credit: Eve Livesey / Getty Images

Topics: Space