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The Majority Of Pet Owners Admit Cancelling Plans To Hang Out With Their Furry Friends

The Majority Of Pet Owners Admit Cancelling Plans To Hang Out With Their Furry Friends

64 per cent of pet owners say they consider their cats and dogs a member of the family.

Naomi Chadderton (FL)

Naomi Chadderton (FL)

Hands up if you've ever cancelled plans to hang out with your dog?

Well, firstly, we don't blame you at all, and secondly you're not alone - a new survey has found that the majority of pet owners have chosen to spend time with their cats and dogs instead of their friends.

Because really, what could be better than a night in with your pooch?

Pet genetics company, Wisdom Health Genetics, recently published the results of its 2020 Pet Census, having surveyed 13,000 pet-owning participants, who represented almost 25,000 dogs and over 6,000 cats.

Who wouldn't want to hang out with this gorgeous guy? (

Out of all participants, 72 per cent of dog owners and 32 per cent of cat owners said they have cancelled plans so they can spend more time with their pets, showing what an amazing bond we really do have with our furry friends.

Furthermore, 64 per cent of 'pet parents' regard their dog or cat as being their child or family member, with more than 17 per cent of pets even having their very own social media accounts, the results demonstrated.

72 per cent of dog owners have cancelled plans to spend time with their pet (

Pets even help their owners' mental health, the Pet Census found. Ninety-nine percent of dog owners and 96% of cat owners said they think their pets have had a positive impact on their mental health.

Audrey Yoo, General Manager at Wisdom Health Genetics, said: "The Pet Census results reveal that pet parents across the U.S. increasingly think of their animals as family. The bond we share with our dogs and cats rank among our most important relationships.

Dogs have a positive effect on our mental health too (

"In the last ten years, our pets have undergone an incredible lifestyle evolution. And they now play a central role in our own lives - whether they're improving our mental health, especially in these unique times, or sharing a spot in our beds."

We can't imagine what we would do without them!

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash