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Woman Travels 4,000 Miles To Marry Her Prison Pen Pal

Woman Travels 4,000 Miles To Marry Her Prison Pen Pal

A British woman has revealed how she fell for and married an American prisoner during lockdown, despite having never met in person.

A woman has revealed why she decided to marry her prison pen pal despite the fact that he is serving a 24-year sentence for double homicide.

Naomi Oquendo, 27, befriended Victor Oquendo, 31, during lockdown, when he was halfway through his sentence. She later married him over Zoom before they had even met. Watch below:

She opened up about their love story on This Morning today (28 July), explaining that he quickly told her about his crime after she began a correspondence in 2020 to teach her better patience.

Naomi said he was put into a situation where had no option but to kill or 'be killed', although she admits that she did wonder if he was telling the truth at the beginning.

While she had planned for a strictly platonic relationship, when she realised that other women were pursing Victor romantically, their feelings for each other became apparent, and they got engaged.

Speaking of their first 'meeting' which was over video call, Naomi said: "He popped up on the screen, and it was just so intense."

The pair went on to marry over Zoom, despite having never met in person.

However, it wasn't until June of this year that they got to meet in real life, and Naomi said she had never been so nervous.

"My mouth was shaking, which I didn't think was a thing you could even do," she said. "It's a very uncomfortable scenario to be in to meet someone for a first time, especially your husband.

"But as soon as I saw him, I was calm. I was relaxed. My soul recognised his soul."

She explained that while family were worried at first, Victor soon won them over, although they remain concerned that Naomi will have to wait 12 years for his circumstances to change.

Naomi said in her This Morning interview that despite his crime, she believes her husband is the 'kindest person' she has ever met and is completely 'selfless'.

"All of his life, he's just wanted love," she said. "He didn't get it from his mother. He didn't get it from his father, who sadly passed away.

"His whole life, he's been looking for someone who is actually going to love him and look after him. Make him feel safe.

"I think when he met me, and I fell for him as hard as he fell for me, y'know, he says it all the time, he doesn't know how he deserved it."

She then answered the most common question she gets about their relationship. Have they consummated their marriage?

"No. [We will have to wait] 12 years, but I'm hoping for earlier. A lot of people ask me. 'Were you able to consummate it when you met? Did they let you go off into a little room?' And I"m like, 'I wish'."

Victor does not get released until 2032, and Naomi has now started a petition calling for his early release.

Tyla has reached out to Naomi for comment.

Featured Image Credit: @naomiellaoquendo/Instagram

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