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Woman admits she’s already bought next year’s Christmas presents

Woman admits she’s already bought next year’s Christmas presents

We'd love to be this organised

Being organised ahead of time is one way to beat the Christmas stress.

But one woman has taken being organised to the next level after admitting she's actually finished all of her Christmas shopping for next year.

One woman has finished her shopping for next Christmas.
Facebook/Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK Group

Taking to the Facebook group, Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK, the woman shared a photo of her shopping trolley filled to the brim with a variety of different gift sets, including Dove for men and Lynx.

"This is next year's Christmas presents sorted, everything in picture is half price and 3 for 2," she wrote.

But, despite sharing her tip with other members of the group, some people criticised the woman instead.

One wrote: "I am amazed at how people can afford presents for next year Xmas and have the time and storage for them! I’m skint and am loving the cupboard space again."

While another said: "How can you even afford presents for next Christmas let alone think about it."

And a third added: "I’m at home with no kids, putting the decs away and drinking baileys I can’t think of anything worse than shopping myself, lol."

Despite sharing her tip with other members of the group, some criticised the woman.
iCultura Creative RF/Alamy Stock Photonstead

The woman added: "I thought people would appreciate me sharing this but seems some people are here to criticise me, I thought this was a bargain hunting page no matter what day of year."

Others jumped in to stick up for the woman, with many urging her to ignore any nasty comments from 'jealous' members of the group.

One person said: "What is wrong with y'all 'she got nothing better to do then shop on boxing day' kids always go spend there Xmas money the day after, she got her stuff for next year and not leaving it till last minute when yes everything is usually full price. Sound like jealousy to me."

The woman said she'd managed to get the gifts half price and 3 for 2.
Cultura RM/Alamy Stock Photo

And another added: "Well done on your bargain shopping with the current cost of living crisis it's cheaper to buy half price sets than buying the individual items. Who cares what anyone else says you have done whats best for you. Thank you for sharing."

"That's a great haul. Ignore all those who are slating it," said a third.

"I also went into town today with my children and we came home with some right bargains."

We'd love to be this organised!

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/ExtremeCouponingAndBargainsUK UK City Images/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Life, Christmas