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Woman who was married to serial killer reveals chilling question he once asked her

Woman who was married to serial killer reveals chilling question he once asked her

Bonnie Lou was married to Richard Enovitz, a serial killer who died in 2002

A woman who was married to a serial killer has opened up about a bone-chilling question he once asked her.

TikTok, which started as an app for people to show off their dancing skills, has now doubled up as a deeply addictive app where everyday people share details about their lives.

True crime is a huge area of interest on the app, with accounts dedicated to the genre unearthing long-forgotten stories, attempting to solve cold cases and in some cases - victims of crimes recounting their experience.

It turns out there's also ex-wives of proven serial killers on there talking about what it was like in a marriage like that, too.

Bonnie Lou, who is a writer, often shares TikToks about that very thing.

Bonnie shared her experience of being married to Richard 'Mark' Evonitz. (TikTok/bonnielouwriter)
Bonnie shared her experience of being married to Richard 'Mark' Evonitz. (TikTok/bonnielouwriter)

In a now viral video that was posted less than a day ago, Bonnie opened up about her life married to a serial killer, and the one chilling question he asked her.

For full context, Bonnie was married to Richard Evonitz, a serial killer who murdered three teenage girls and is suspected of committing more.

He confessed to having committed 'more crimes than he can remember' to his sister Jennifer, who called the police and turned him in.

In June 2002, police tracked him down and surrounded him, urging him to surrender, but instead he shot himself and died at the scene.

Richard Evonitz murdered three teenage girls and is suspected of committing more. (FBI)
Richard Evonitz murdered three teenage girls and is suspected of committing more. (FBI)

In previous videos she has shared that she married Richard, who went by his middle name of Mark, at 17 and divorced him at 25.

He was 25 when they married.

She said the police showed up at her door to tell her he was a serial killer and at least one of his murders took place while they were married.

Viewers asked her whether she'd ever spotted any red flags or get any bad feelings.

Bonnie shared in a follow-up: "Everything started to shift in the first month. He started picking on me about my weight, telling me I was fat and I needed to join WeightWatchers."

Bonnie reflected on the chilling question as 'crazy'. (TikTok/bonnielouwriter)
Bonnie reflected on the chilling question as 'crazy'. (TikTok/bonnielouwriter)

She added that he 'needed' her to be at home when he finished work, didn't support her going to college, and he didn't like it when she made friends.

She also shared that her husband didn't want her to tell anyone about their problems, and limited how many phone calls she made to her family.

In another follow-up, she shared the chilling question he asked her that now she looks back on it, makes a lot of sense.

She said: "In November 1992, he left the military. He started having a lot of mood switches and one day he came home, he was really frantic.

"He asked me: "If I asked you to fly out of the country with me, would you do it?""

Bonnie replied by asking him why he'd ask her that.

He replied: "Just answer the question. Would you go with me if I needed to get out of the country?"

Bonnie ultimately said she would, which seemed to calm him down.

Bonnie, who has written a book about her experience and is currently looking for a publisher, reflected: "Looking back at that, it seems kind of crazy."

You could definitely say that.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@bonnielouwriter

Topics: True Crime, TikTok