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A woman has been left feeling 'a little shook up' after she drove her car through an the fence surrounding an apartment block and into the pool.

The unnamed woman from Florida somehow managed to drive her silver car through the wooden fence and into the in-ground pool at an apartment complex in Fort Lauderdale on the Fourth of July.

Thankfully, no residents were lounging in the pool when the accident happened.

However, apartment resident T.J Yarborough was home for his lunch break when the unthinkable unfolded near his home.

The good Samaritan didn’t waste any time as the car started filling with water while the driver was still inside.

"I’m just going home to eat my lunch, that car came crashing into the pool," Yarborough told news station WSVN-TV.

The unnamed woman drove her car into the pool.

"She was pretty shocked, she’s a young girl and I can imagine how shook she was, she was gathering her phone in her purse but the water was coming up," he explained.

"I couldn’t get the door open but the window, the electric still works on the window, so the window still went down. She started climbing through the window and I just grabbed her and put her to the side."

The woman is uninjured but is understandably shaken after the incident. News camera crews were in attendance when authorise attached cables to the car and lifted it out of the pool using a crane. Water could be seen pouring out of the vehicle as it was carried away in what must certainly be an insurance write-off.

Law enforcement authorities have confirmed that no one was injured in the accident.

Local residents say they are glad that the many children who frequently use the pool were not there at the time the crash happened, which is a miracle considering it happened on a major holiday in the US.

"She is good, she is safe, she is just a little shook up,” Yarborough shared.

T.J. Yarborough rushed to help the woman as the car filled with water.

In related swimming pool news, a swimming instructor recently warned parents against wrapping towels around their children's shoulers and revealed the proper way to wrap a child up in a towel.

Nikki Scarnati - a certified ISR swim instructor, water safety advocate and drowning prevention educator - took to TikTok to educate parents about the best way to dry off their child and wrap them up in a towel after they've been for a swim.

You should dry their arms off, then get your child to lift up their arms and wrap the towel around them - like you would yourself after getting out of the shower.

"That way, if they end up in the water, they still have access to their limbs to self-rescue and they're that much safer," Nikki resolves.

You can read more about Nikki's important advice here.

Featured Image Credit: WSVN-TV

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