A woman says she’s suffered years of bullying and was told by cruel trolls that she would ‘die alone’ due to her deep voice.
Charlotte MacGregor, from Melbourne in Australia, bravely shared a clip in which she opened up about the bullying and cruelty she suffered growing up.
In the clip, Charlotte says: “All through high school I was picked on because of my voice. I was called a male, I was called transgender, I was called a f***ing weirdo.

“[I was told] that I wasn’t ever going to meet someone, that I was going to be single for the rest of my life, that I was going to die alone.
“I had food thrown at me in class. I would have chairs thrown at me, I would have bruises on my body. It was just an awful, awful time in my life.”
Despite now being an adult, Charlotte says that the mean comments continue ‘daily’.

However, Charlotte says she’s since developed a ‘thick skin’ and doesn’t dwell on the nasty remarks.
“It can be hard, I’m not going to lie,” she continued.
“But when you have been bullied so much in your life, you learn to have such a thick skin to the point where those sorts of comments do not affect your life, do not affect you whatsoever. You just rise above that sort of stuff.”
Charlotte has also learnt to accept her deep voice, adding that it’s something she ‘lives with each day’.