A man brutally admitted he cheats on his wife as she’s put on weight and he no longer finds her attractive – only to get well and truly shut down by the fine people of the internet.
Using Reddit to air out your grievances is a risky game, given that it opens you up to a whole world of pain when you’re often just after a bit of sympathy.
But this one person found that out the hard way when they took to the popular site’s ‘offmychest’ forum to speak about cheating on their ‘fat useless ugly wife’ of nearly 15 years.
Speaking out a few years back, they wrote: “I hate my wife. I really do. Never get married. We tied the knot in our early 20's and have been together for nearly 15 years.
“The first 7 years were pretty good. She helped support me through med school, I helped her through business school.
“We have a kid together but he's only 4. I am totally fine with the idea of divorce but for the sake of my kid I would like to at least wait until he's older.
“I feel like it would be good for his development to have his mom and dad around (providing we're not fighting, we don't really that much, unless he's not in the house then we are always getting on each other’s nerves).”
The Reddit user said their wife has ‘ballooned into a f**king pig’, and that he doesn’t feel attracted to her anymore.
“I don't know what it is with people who become f**king fat and embrace it as though it's attractive,” they wrote cruelly, saying it was ‘disgusting’ and ‘unhealthy’.

“You're living in denial using words like ‘curvy’ or ‘voluptuous’ to describe yourself,” they said, continuing: “I have seen her consume more than a grown man on a 2 for 1 burger night in one sitting while she watches bulls**t reality TV.”
I mean... that just sounds like our average Tuesday night, to be quite honest.
The Redditor said that, besides the ‘superficial c**p’, they’d found that their wife had also become ‘incredibly selfish, whiny, greedy, narcissistic’ and also just drives them ‘nuts’.
They went on: “I'd happily try to get her to workout with me (oh yeah I never let myself go like she has, I am fit and still attractive).
“I purposefully lie and tell her I'm working late sometimes so I can just go to a coffee shop and be alone and read or something just to get away from her.
“I actually don't feel bad about sleeping with one of her friends (who just so happens to be engaged fyi) as well as one of my married coworkers.
“I have no intention of stopping either. The only benefit to being married now is that I know a lot more married women I can potentially cheat with.”

The comments went down pretty much as well as you’d think, with one user slamming the spouse behind the post for being ‘truly an uncaring douchebag’.
"I think you’re the narcissist,” another said.
Someone else urged: “Just get divorced, you’re not sparing your kid the heartache. You're teaching him it's ok to cheat on your spouse when you're not happy. And that's not ok. Kids are resilient. He's only 4, so he will not fully understand it now. But when he is older he will.”
One other person agreed: “Yeah just get a divorce dude... also your wife may be unattractive and you have fell out of love... but Jesus if you’re gonna cheat why do it with a married person or soon to be married???
“You called your wife selfish... greedy and a narcissist... then when people here have pointed those things out in your own character you become extremely angry and defensive.
“Your marriage has clearly broken down get a divorce before something truly bad happens and you end up fixated on hating her and blaming her for all your problems.”
Topics: Sex and Relationships, Reddit