A mum has been praised online after revealing that she had removed her son's bedroom door.
Privacy can be a sticky problem when a child starts to grow up and become more independent. While it's important to make sure that someone has their own space and feels respected, there is an element of trust.

For one mum that element of trust was shattered after an incident involving her teenage son.
She took to Reddit to explain the situation.
The mum said that her 16-year-old son has a lock on his bedroom door which is fine, as she respects his privacy, but she likes to go and check on everyone before they go to bed to make sure everything is OK.
But one evening she was taken aback as her son's door was locked, with music coming out of his room. After telling him to turn the volume down, to her surprise, there was no answer.
She explained: "I check on the kids usually before I go to bed, sometimes his door is locked so I just say goodnight outside the door. Last night he had the door locked but was playing music. It was late so I told him to turn it down, no response so I knock. Nothing.
"I call him and it goes to voice mail, I'm panicking at this point and think he hit his head or something. No answers to anything we do so we take the door off the frame. He's not in his room."
Unfortunately, it seemed that her son had gone off somewhere without telling her.

The mum continued: "He came back at 4am and was at a party, so he'd snuck out. As punishment his door is removed since of the lock and it will stay off until he gets a new door in about two weeks. That door will have the normal doorknob lock.
"My husband and I agree with this punishment but he told his friends and one parent keeps blowing up my phone calling me an a**hole. Not to mention the argument I got into with my son."
She asked Reddit users for reassurance about her decision.
One person responded: "Your son snuck out away from home and that's NOT a small thing! - I would say not the a**hole.
"You are ultimately responsible for your son's safety and at 16 I wouldn't exactly trust his ability to think out long-term consequences for actions right now."
Another added: "You had reason to do what you did. I would certainly see if you can give him some privacy until his door is back though."
While a third said: "Honestly, I'd go with NTA [not the a**hole]. Many kids sneak out, but they have to realize there are consequences to that action. Part of son's is that he has lost his right to privacy for abusing the privilege."