A man has sparked outrage after posting a video saying that being a stay at home parent is 'not a job', before going on to call it a 'privilege'.
Now let's be clear before we continue, looking after a child absolutely is a full-time responsibility, and both the physical and emotional labour is often still overwhelmingly taken on by women.
Not only that, but this work is enormously undervalued and frequently overlooked.
Well, a man named Jared took to TikTok to share his views that being a stay-at-home parent is 'not a job'.
"Being a stay at home mom is not a job whatsoever, it's a privilege," he said in the now-viral clip.
Explaining the controversial view further, he said: ''I was laid off from work for four months, and I had to stay home, and it's the easiest sh*t I've ever done in my life.
''I can do all the daily responsibilities that come with taking care of a house in no time and then other than that all you have to do is watch your kid.''

The TikToker continued: ''And I'm not knocking stay-at-home mothers, I have respect for them, and I honestly think the world needs more of them because it's good for the kid."
He then proceeded to try and dig his way towards the Earth's core, saying: ''You can't take a nap at a full-time job, you can't watch TV at a full-time job, you have someone watching your every move at a full-time job demanding that you do what they say.''
The video was stitched by TikToker Dustin Poynter, whose theme consists of him stitching 'toxic' behaviour and then commenting while waving a large red flag.
Hitting back at the video, he said: "Look, I don't have kids either, but I grew up with three siblings, a stay-at-home mother, and a stay-at-home stepmother.
''I witnessed first-hand the stress that comes with maintaining an entire house, Olympic diving across the kitchen to save your child from putting its hand in the garbage disposal 50 times a day, listening to constant screaming and meltdowns."

He added: ''And most importantly, trying not to cause irrevocable physical and psychological harm to an innocent human being who didn't ask to be here."
Needless to say, people were not impressed by the original video.
One replied: "The audacity to think you just 'watch' your kids instead of 'raise' your kids."
A second wrote: "Someone leave him alone with at least two kids under 5 for a week and see how he does."
Another posted: "Other stay at home Mums are having naps?!?! Sign me up I don’t get to do that."