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Sleep expert urges couples to use Scandinavian sleeping method which could help ‘save your relationship’

Sleep expert urges couples to use Scandinavian sleeping method which could help ‘save your relationship’

Say goodbye to sleepless nights

Couples are being advised to try out a new sleeping method that could 'save their relationship'.

It doesn't matter how much you love your other half, sometimes it's impossible to sleep in harmony.

Sometimes a leg is in the wrong place, it's simply too hot or they won't stop hogging the duvet.

Or, if you're like me, maybe your partner likes to watch TikTok videos in bed whilst you try and drift off in a restful sleep.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights. (Getty Stock Image)
Say goodbye to sleepless nights. (Getty Stock Image)

Nevertheless, something's gotta give.

Some couples opt for eye masks and ear plugs, while others sleep in different rooms entirely.

But fear not, for there is hope yet.

Some claim there is a way to have your own territory in bed while sharing with your loved one.

An expert on TikTok has unveiled the 'Scandinavian sleep method', which may just change your life for good.

"It's the idea that both partners have a duvet each - a single duvet each - on a mattress.

Could this be the answer to all of your sleep-related woes? (Getty Stock Image)
Could this be the answer to all of your sleep-related woes? (Getty Stock Image)

"So the principle is that it's another opportunity for you to have your own sleep environment while not having to go through the sleep divorce of being in separate rooms."

The speaker adds: "I personally love it, because you get to navigate what you're doing with your own warmth without disturbing your partner, and then you both get to stay in the bed.

"If you make your own sleep environment specific to you - then yes, you can sleep in bed with your partner."

Light bulb moment right there.

It's not for everyone though, as many people were flabbergasted that people have been out here sharing a duvet.

One person wrote: "Isn’t it normal to have 2 duvets? Who is able to share one duvet? I would go crazy…."

A second added: "Myself and my wife have been doing this for years," as a third person shared: "I laughed all night when I arrived in Scandinavia when I experienced this."

While a fourth offered: "Been doing this for 10 years...saw it in Austria originally."

*Adds two duvets to basket*.

Featured Image Credit: Willie B. Thomas/JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images

Topics: Sleep, Life Hacks, TikTok