An expert has revealed why you may be getting spots on your bum, and how you can get rid of them.
Bum spots are something we rarely discuss, despite the fact that there are some very simple reasons as to why they are there.
Chin, back and face all seem to be quite normal topics of conversation, but those pesky little spots on our butt seem to be more taboo.
The area in your pants is one of the hottest places on the body, so it's normal for small pimples to appear from time to time.
'Buttne' - the term given to acne on your butt - is actually far more common than we think.

Especially for those who work long hours sitting down.
So, let's dive into it.
Are butt spots the same as elsewhere on the body?
Spots on your bum can be caused by all the same things as non-butt spots.
So, just as regular acne can be caused by hormones and genetics, so can buttne.
They can also look similar, in terms of being puss-filled, or looking more like a blackhead.
Speaking to Glamour, Dr Serrano explained further: "Spots on your bottom are likely to be caused by folliculitis, a condition that occurs when bacteria and dead skin cells get into your hair follicles, causing inflammation.
"This usually looks like small red bumps clustered around the follicle."
Dermatologist Dr Tiina Meder also explained: "If you’re sat down all day, it is very likely that this will be a supplementary risk factor for buttne."
Why do the spots appear?
The spots can appear for a whole host of different reasons.
Blocked hair follicles are a regular cause, and can come out in the form of a bumpy red rash.
Clothing made of synthetic fabrics can also have an impact.
Dr Meder warned: "Synthetic fabrics should be avoided when battling a buttne outbreak.
"I would also recommend avoiding jeans with a high stretch content – like jeggings."
Sweating could be another cause of developing spots on your butt, as bacteria and sweat can become trapped against the skin.
But the good news?
A case of buttne is easily treated.
What can be done to get rid of them?
The most important rule is not to squeeze your bum spots... we know, it's a hard ask.
This is because it increases inflammation, and ultimately makes the problem worse.
Using body wash that has acne-fighting ingredients inside could also help get rid.
The doctor recommended: "Stop using harsh loofas, body brushes, body scrubs and exfoliators.
"These can make your breakouts worse, causing microtrauma to the skin which can lead to a secondary skin infection."
Another key tip is the towel trick.
Apparently sitting on a damp, hot towel will help to open up your pores.
I guess we'll give it a go!