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Elderly woman praises man for saving her life in heartwarming post

Elderly woman praises man for saving her life in heartwarming post

Barbara believes she would have cracked her skull if he hadn't intervened.

An elderly woman has taken to Facebook to praise a stranger who saved her life in a heartwarming viral post.

Barbara Garrett Kimbro, 88, said she pulled into a gas station when she realised she was running on fumes and thought she was capable of walking to the cashier without her mobility aid.

The elderly woman revealed that when she hung up the nozzle after filling up her car, she didn't get a receipt as expected, so she went inside for one.

She wrote: "This is where I say, PRAISE THE LORD and THANK YOU GOD!"

An elderly woman was saved by a stranger.
Facebook/Barbara Garrett Kimbro

The 88-year-old said it was such a short walk that she thought she could make it without her walker, but she went on to lose her balance when she stepped on the kerb.

She wrote that she thought she was a 'goner' when she 'lost' her balance and fell backwards.

However, it was her lucky day, and a young man unexpectedly rushed to her aid, grabbing her before she fell to the ground.

Barbara said she will never forget him 'as long as I live' as she believes he 'saved my life' as 'I think I would have cracked my skull'.

"JaQuan Sanks is my hero!" she concluded the post. "I bought him a tank of gas! Small payment for saving my life!"

Barbara and her 'hero'.
Facebook / Barbara Garrett Kimbro

The post made on 6 September did not go unnoticed on Facebook, and at the time of writing, 6.4K people have reacted to it.

Many took to the comments section to similarly praise the stranger for rushing to Barbara's aid.

"I loved this story of God placing someone at the right place and the right time," wrote one reader.

A second added: "Aww love this!!! So glad he was there and acted fast, love that you even rewarded him. Great story."

"Good folks still in this world," wrote a third, while a fourth added: "Angels are everywhere! He is our hero."

"Your guardian angel," remarked a fifth. "So thankful he saved you from falling."

Meanwhile, a sixth joked: "Young Lady... Do we need to talk about safety and taking care of yourself?"

Barbara went on to describe JaQuan as a 'good friend' and revealed that he's 27 years old.

She also admitted that she learned an important lesson that day and will now always be taking her walker on the off chance she needs it.

Do you know anyone who's had their life saved by a stranger?

Featured Image Credit: Barbara Garrett Kimbro/Facebook

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