Some folks dread seeing their families over the Christmas break, others will move mountains to be together.
Hal falls into the latter category, and spent his Christmas flying all across the US so that he could spend the holidays with his daughter, who works as a flight attendant.
In a post that's been shared on Facebook more than 40,000 times, passenger Mike Levy shared Hal's story, after getting to know him on his flight home to Detroit.

“I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home,” Mike wrote in his post that now has over 209,000 likes.
“His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had to work over Christmas.
“Hal decided he would spend the holiday with her. So, he is flying on each of her flights today and tomorrow around the country to spend time with his daughter for Christmas.
“What a fantastic father! Wish you both a very Merry Christmas!”
People across the US and beyond were touched by Mike's story, and flooded the comments with congratulations for Hal and Pierce on their sweet father-daughter relationship.
"Awesome dad, awesome daughter!" wrote one user.
"She is lucky she has family that loves her so much," commented a second.
"Best Dad ever. In these days I love these special stories," added a third.
In her own separate post, Pierce confirmed that her dad had joined her on every flight over the Christmas season, and even bought a first-class ticket from Fort Meyers to Detroit to be with her.
Since Mike's post went viral in 2018, Pierce and Hal have offered an update for those who still remember their story.
It's good news for the dad and daughter this year, as Pierce managed to get enough time off work to spend the Christmas holidays at home with her parents in Mississippi.
"I am still a flight attendant but I'm actually (for the first time!) off for Christmas," Pierce told Fox.
"I'm so very grateful to have the chance to spend quality time with both of my parents in south Mississippi this month."
She continued: "The last few years have been incredibly busy and seem to fly by faster than I can hold on, so I’m really looking forward to a Christmas at ‘home, home’ when so many other places have grown to feel like home."
Hal chimed in: "I'm happy in the air or on the ground if I'm with my daughter."
I've never been so happy for two people I've never met. These two are just the sweetest.