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People Baffled By New NSFW-Looking Dog Toys Sold At Aldi And B&M

People Baffled By New NSFW-Looking Dog Toys Sold At Aldi And B&M

People had a lot of thoughts.

Shoppers have been left baffled after a new Aldi dog toy went viral on social media this week.

Taking to Facebook, one woman shared a photo of the supermarket's latest dog toy – a corn on the cob with suction cup – writing: "New premium DOG toys in at aldi, with suction cup! Only £2.99!" Followed by the blushing face and a laughing emoji.

Shoppers have been left baffled, after a new Aldi dog toy went viral on social media.

And people are in hysterics in the comments, with many pointing out it looks a little NSFW.

One person wrote: "A dog toy? Really? Or is it just me that laughed?"

While another said: "You sure that's a dog toy with a suction cup???"

And a third commented: "Just came here to say that's no dog toy."

People were a little confused by the dog toy.
Facebook/Drew Hunter Vessey

A fourth wrote: "For some reason these are in high demand at our local Aldi I’ve missed out again."

A fifth joked: "Might get one of these, I don't own a dog though."

"I don't own a dog but I think I'll buy one of these just in case we get a dog!" Said a sixth.

Others were totally oblivious to some of the rather rude comments, but took to the post to review the product. While some were loving it, others said their dogs destroyed it immediately.

One wrote: "I got 2 of these off Amazon months ago, they still going strong, brilliant toys xx," before later adding: "EDIT: I've Literally just clicked on what everyone's actually talking about hahahhahaha CRYING!!"

People said the corn was rather NSFW.
Pam Crawford/Facebook

However, another revealed a photo of the half chewed toy and said: "I brought one on Saturday, stuck it the floor late sat evening, and today this is what’s left of it!!"

It wasn't the only dog toy being discussed in the comments, with some owners quick to post photos of a rather rude looking red B&M version, too.

One person wrote: "Got this toy for mine from B&M today, I don’t need to tell you what it looks like."

Meanwhile, another person shared a neon green option from Wilko.

Another person shared a neon green option from Wilko.
Facebook/Hayley James

In other dog news, last month we told you how owners have been warned to avoid kissing their dogs on the mouth, as it could be damaging to our oral health.

If you're the type of person who likes to show their furry friends love with some physical affection, it might be best to stick to the belly rubs from now on.

There's a cactus version, too.
Facebook/Rebecca Noakes

Dr Khaled Kasem, dental expert and Chief Orthodontist at Impress explained: “Dogs aren’t known for their hygiene, they don’t (usually) brush their teeth or rinse with mouthwash, and they’ve probably never visited a dentist.

"Their daily routine consists of eating leftovers on the floor, licking their bum, and checking out dead animals left on the pavement. Ultimately, their mouth is filthy!"

You can read more about that here.

Featured Image Credit: PA/Jaide White

Topics: Life, Shopping