I think it's safe to say there are a lot of cultural differences between us Brits and our mates across the pond.
From portion sizes to calling ice lollies 'ice blocks' and even the fact that what is on the price tag is what we actually pay here in the UK, I think it's clear there are plenty of disagreements between the nations.
Let's not even mention how Americans make a cup of tea...
Anyway, there's one American vs British habit which has started doing the rounds online - how Brits 'wash their dishes'.
Deep breath, everyone.

It all seems to have stemmed from a Reddit post a couple of years ago titled 'Do the British wash dishes differently?'.
In it, someone asked: “When I was a kid, I had lovely neighbours from England and I enjoyed visiting them. One day, the lady was washing dishes, and I saw she did not rinse off the soap bubbles. I asked her why, and she said, ‘That's just how we do it in England’. Well of course I went home and told my Mom, who did not believe me.
“So, it bothered me for a long time. One day when I was in my 20s I was reading a column in the newspaper, and the writer said she had seen the same thing and was just as surprised as me. So, can an English person please confirm this, and offer an explanation?”
In the months since, there have been several videos knocking about on TikTok and Instagram that jokingly play into the claim that us Brits don't rinse our dishes after hand-washing them, instead, chucking them onto the draining board dripping with soapy suds.

I would like to take a moment to point out that as a Brit, I do in fact rinse the dishes after washing - because that's the normal thing to do, right?
In fact, the thought of various mugs and plates sat on the kitchen side caked in a film of washing up liquid makes me feel slightly unwell.
Nevertheless, the debate has been ongoing, with people squabbling over the apparent cleaning habit in the comments of various viral videos and posts.
Under the comments of one such video poking fun at the washing up debate, one commenter fumed: "Don't put us [Brits] all in the same bag."
Meanwhile, another ranted: "No we don’t! Infact I’ve never seen anyone do this."
"17 years living in England and never seen this," a third added.
Others, however, stuck their neck on the line and admitted they have seen some Brits doing this.
"People are saying here this is not true but it’s real, I’ve seen people in England doing the washing up this way. I was shocked," one penned.
Someone else agreed: "It's true. Married to a Brit and was shocked when saw soapy dishes on drying mat. It was the same coming out of foamy bath (no rinse), same after shaving (no wash, just wiped with towel). Thankfully, all changed."
Other, however, couldn't help but notice the woman in the video wasn't using a plastic bowl in her sink.
"Where’s the plastic sink bowl," wondered one, while a second piped up: "You forgot the plastic bucket in the sink, I will never understand why…"
Finally, another person simply wrote: "Always rinse. Everyone knows that or needs to know that."
I agree - rinse your dishes, please!