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Shoppers Baffled After Spotting 'Pink Celery' In British Stores

Shoppers Baffled After Spotting 'Pink Celery' In British Stores

People in the US are totally stunned to see an unfamiliar vegetable in British supermarkets.

While Brits and Americans have a whole host of things of things in common - the two nations definitely differ on more than a few.

Whether it's over 'aluminium' or 'aluminum', 'aubergine' or 'eggplant', 'football' or 'soccer' - it's fair to say that for all their similarities, America and Britain clearly has different ways of doing things.

The latest one seems to revolve around 'celery' of all things.

Recently taking to TikTok to share their amazement, an American posted a video in a hopes to get some answers for a seemingly baffling concept.

With a bio of, "So many things in the UK confuse me!", the TikTok user shared their latest confusion to their 99.4K followers.

"So many things in the UK confuse me!" the TikToker admits.

They captioned the short clip: "Can someone please tell me why the celery in British grocery stores is pink and not green is it safe to eat?"

The seven-second-long clip shows the TikTok user walking through a British supermarket, Marks and Spencer, towards a crate of what they dub 'pink celery'.

Amassing over 344.9K views, more than 6k likes and over a thousand comments, Brits could not wait to weigh in on the matter.

The video now has over 344.9K views.

One TikTok user commented: "No darling that’s not celery, what you actually think it is? Give it another go," referencing a meme sound that went viral on TikTok a few months back.

With a similar endearing tone, another responded: "That’s rhubarb, sweetie."

"Is that a species of celery then?" the TikTok creator replied.

"Is that a species of celery then?" asked the confused TikToker.

Some were totally shocked by the American's confusion, with one person commenting: "Oh my lord - how can that person survive the day unsupervised?"

Others thought that the whole thing had to be fake with one writing: "Hope this one is a joke," and another echoing the remark: "At this point, I can't tell if this account is joking or not."

Another group of people began adding some typical dry British wit to the table.

People began making inside-jokes in the comment section to further confuse the American.

Sarcastically "explaining" the colour, one TikTok user wrote: "In England, our celery is washed with pigeon blood to remove any dirt."

"It's the only celery we eat, if we eat anything else we will be fed to the Queen's pet corgis," commented a second who had also clearly picked up on the inside-joke.

One took the joke a little too far, with the outlandish comment: "So, basically inside it is actually a key to open the magical tea garden in the Buckingham Palace."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok

Topics: Food and Drink, Life