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Chloe Madeley's reassures fans after daughter is rushed to hospital amid sepsis and meningitis fears

Chloe Madeley's reassures fans after daughter is rushed to hospital amid sepsis and meningitis fears

The five-month-old was in hospital twice this week

Chloe Madeley's five-month-old daughter was taken to hospital amid fears that she was suffering from sepsis and meningitis.

The personal trainer from Manchester, 35, made the revelation today (19 January) on social media, where she explained that her baby daughter - who she shares with James Haskell - has been in hospital twice this week after developing a high temperature.

Describing this week as a 'hard five days', she said she was relieved to announce that her daughter is finally on the mend.

"My little love has been very poorly this week. 2 trips to hospital and a lot of tears," she wrote alongside a black and white snap of her and the tot.

Chloe described her daughter as her 'little love'.

The fitness expert then went on to state that despite fears the five-month-old was suffering from meningitis or the sepsis, doctors confirmed that she simply had the flu.

"Her temperature went from 39.8° on Saturday morning to 34° on Sunday night, so I was extremely worried about meningitis and sepsis, but blood tests show [it's] just the Flu Type A Virus.

"I say just, wow has she been unwell. Has anyone else had their little one's temp drop that low with flu virus? I'm still a bit confused as to how / why that happened."

The mum, who is the daughter of Richard and Judy stars Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan, went on to thank the NHS for taking care of her daughter.

The mum said it's been a 'hard five days' after her baby daughter fell ill.

"I'm also amazed at how much it has impacted my sleep and workload, and how hard the last 5 days have been," she went on.

"I just want to say to any and all mothers out there who have to make these kinds of trips and deal with these kinds of things on a regular basis, that I am in AWE of you."

"That you are real-life superheroes. That you amaze me. And also to the doctors and nurses pulling the graveyard shifts in paediatric A&E, thank you, you are the best of us."

As you can imagine, Chloe's fans and celebrity friends were quick to flood the post with messages of support.

Online coach Ben Mudge wrote alongside a heart emoji: "I hope she is ok Chloe & you are."

A fan, meanwhile, shared: "My son was in hospital a month ago with sepsis and he was only 6 weeks old.

Chloe became a mum for the first time last year with husband James Haskell.

"Terrifying but u just have to surrender to the process. The paediatric teams are just unbelievable aren't they? Really hope she’s better x [sic]."

"The frights you get with children are different to any other fear in the world," added a second. "Equally the love is like no other. Take [care]."

While a third added: "Wishing her a very speedy recovery and yes had very very sick kiddies to care for & it's tough very tough.

"Just take deep breaths, know you’re doing it all right and you’ll come through it. Getting medical help is the best option always."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@madeleychloe

Topics: Celebrity, Parenting